About us

Forus Security is one of the leading security companies in Latvia specialising in the provision of quality full-service security services for both state and private companies, and individuals for 30 years. Thousands of customers across the Baltics have entrusted the care of security of their companies, properties or objects to the team of security specialists of Forus Security. Long-time experience, knowledge and regular inquiry as to the customers’ wishes and needs allow us to provide the highest class security service in order for you to feel safe on your property!


30 years of experience in the sector

  • Security company Avelat Sargs was founded in Latvia in 1994
  • In 2012, it joins the international security company Securitas AB and becomes Securitas Latvia
  • In 2021, the company was purchased by the Estonian owned Forus Group, and starts operating under the name of USS Latvia
  • In May 2023 the company changes it’s legal name to Forus Grupa and continues operation under the brand name of Forus Security

Forus Security – part of an international company

We belong to an Estonian owned group of companies called Forus Group, which focuses on creating a safe and sustainable environment. The company operates in the field of real estate management, construction and energy efficiency, as well as security and safety services including road safety. The latest addition to the wide range of services is the creation and implementation of a travel platform Forus Taxj in the Baltics – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The owner of Forus Group is Estonian businessman Urmas Sõõrumaa, who has long-time professional experience not only in the service sector, but also in the development of commercial real estate. Today, Forus Group in Estonia and Latvia employs more than 1,800 employees on a daily basis with long-time professional experience in the field of security and real estate management.

Here to together create a safe environment

Our mission is to offer people and businesses services that help them feel safe and secure in their everyday lives and when doing business.

Our vision is to become not only the leading security company in Latvia, which provides customers with high-quality security services and a high level of security, but also a unique community that very employee, partner or customer wants to be a part of.

The solutions we offer are supportive and fully focused on customer needs. We constantly invest in new technologies that allow us to provide the best quality to our customers and be competitive – we work by taking care of you!


Our Values

Values unite us and lead us in our daily activities!


  • Our aim is the formation of good mutual relations and creation of a pleasant environment
  • We always keep our promises and fulfil what we have agreed on
  • We are open and always present


  • We are innovative, we dare to make experiments and are not afraid to make mistakes
  • We are able to quickly respond and adapt ourselves to changes, as well as replace everything that is not effective
  • We are inquisitive and always ready to learn, improve ourselves and develop

Customer-orientated approach

  • Every customer is important for us, therefore we take care of our customers with the highest responsibility
  • We know our sector in detail and are able to precisely offer customers the most suitable solution
  • Together with the customers, we find the best solutions which create positive emotions


The greatest value of Forus is our team – people who take care of the safety of our customers on a daily basis are professionals in their field, who help guide the development of the company to achieve common goals. Currently our team consists of nearly 300 specialists. We support the education and professional development of our employees, so we are always open to welcome both qualified and experienced professionals and young studying specialists to our team.

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Jānis Ābele
Member of the Board / CEO

Team of Forus Security